The Stoneware Gallery

stoneware gallery facade website 20080721_KAK_014-1280x960Collection: The Stoneware Gallery

Location: The Stoneware Gallery, 778 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 0Y1, Canada

Telephone: (204) 475-8088




Across the country there are many organizations that support potters. Manitoba does not have an “official” potters’ guild or society, yet it has one of the strongest and most energetic group of artists in its cooperative gallery, studios and teaching programmes, The Stoneware Gallery.

Actually, there are two collectives housed within the building.

Stoneware Gallery-interior copy website -1-500x375  The Stoneware Gallery proper has been in existence since 1978. The gallery displays and sells functional and one-of-a-kind works from the artists who share the costs and workload associated with running the gallery.

stoneware gallery gas kiln copyThe second part is the Stoneware Studio with its large gas-fired kiln which is shared not only among the partners but also with the Studio’s students and other potters. Eight classes a week in throwing and reduction firing are also offered.

If you want to know about the practicing side of pottery and potters in Manitoba the Stoneware Gallery is the place to visit.